TAHPERD Alcohol Policy

The Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance does not allow alcohol in any official business meetings and will not purchase nor furnish alcohol in any of TAHPERD’s official functions. Alcohol may only be provided on a cash bar basis.

Board of Directors Approved: December 2004

Area Division Vice Presidents

1. If a TAHPERD member is working for or representing a business/vendor involved in the HPERD disciplines, this member is not eligible as a nominee for the Vice President of the Area Division position.

2. Once elected, if a Vice President of the Area Division begins a relationship of working for or representing a business/vendor involved in the HPERD disciplines, the Vice President must resign.

2010 Fall Board Meeting

Buy Back - Lapsed Membership

TAHPERD professional members will be allowed to buy back lost years’ membership at the current fee to maintain a continuous membership record. The inactive years are to be noted in the TAHPERD membership database.

2003 Spring Board Meeting

Check List for Reviewing Program Proposals

Convention Planning Meeting

1.) Did proposed speaker present at last year’s convention?

a.) If YES, did their program have a significant number of attendees?

b.) If YES, have you reviewed their program review report for last year’s presentation for the quality of the presentation?

2.) Is this proposal relevant to the current HPERD issues?

3.) Does the proposal meet Best Practices?

Approved by the Board of Directors: December 2010

Children at Convention and Conferences Policy

Because of legal liabilities, the concern for safety, and in consideration of professional colleagues, children are not allowed at the TAHPERD Convention or other TAHPERD events unless they are part of an approved program or activity with permission granted by the Executive Director and/or designated TAHPERD staff.

2003 Fall Board Meeting

Conflict of Interest in Presentations

TAHPERD conference presentations are for the purpose of sharing information that (a) helps members fulfill their roles as professionals, and (b) helps TAHPERD accomplish its mission. It is inappropriate for presenters to use presentations to directly solicit sales or service contracts, unless that privilege has been contracted through the TAHPERD office (contact the TAHPERD office regarding current fees for professional presentations).

Soliciting sales /service contracts is defined as:

1. announcing the name/manufacturer of facilities or equipment during a presentation, if the presenter has any financial association with the product or manufacturer;

2. announcing contact information for a provider of services (i.e., educational consulting, workshops, in-service presentations) if the presenter has any financial association with that provider;

3. presenting information or methodology that solely utilizes facilities, equipment, or services with which the presenter has a financial association.

Board of Directors Meeting: Spring 2001

Reaffirmed: 2003 Spring Board Meeting

Dance Presentations with Students - Guidelines

1.  Limit 10 students per school with one chaperone and/or groups with up to 20 students will require four chaperones.

2.  Signed agreement from the chaperone and the school/administrator will be submitted with presentation proposal.  Deadline for list of student dancers with completed documents is due November 1st to the Performance Chair.

3.  Chaperone(s) are required to stay with students at all times and will be held responsible for proper supervision.

4.  Failure to comply will result in the school not being able to participate in the current convention and a letter of notification will be mailed to the respective institution by the Vice-President for Dance.  In addition, the students will not be able to attend the current convention.

5.  Participation of subsequent years for the respective presenter will be faced with a two-year probation period.

6. Music selection, choreography and costuming must be appropriate for young children. 

7.  Dance presentation must be the same dance submitted in the video.

Guidelines for Student Participation

> No outside food will be allowed in the convention center as per TAHPERD policy.

> No students sitting in general areas of convention center and/or in presentations that they are not participating in.

2010 Spring Board meeting

Education Presentations Policy

An individual may present no more than two presentations at the TAHPERD Annual Convention and/or Summer Conference. This same individual may assist in one additional presentation as a member of a panel.

2003 Spring Board Meeting

Inscription Policy for Honorary Bricks for the TAHPERD Building

While we encourage creativity, TAHPERD will not honor a request to print any "objectionable" language, acronyms, symbols, pictures, or any other graphic representation. "Objectionable" means, among other things, anything that (a) is libelous, defamatory, pornographic, sexually explicit, unlawful, racially or ethnically offensive, (b) infringes on someone else's patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other property right, (c) is something people would consider harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, profane, obscene, or violent, (d) would breach a person's privacy or publicity rights, (e) is a misrepresentation of facts, (f) hate speech, (g) encourages others to break the law in any way, or (h) is otherwise inappropriate.

TAHPERD must and does reserve the absolute right to decline orders that in its sole judgment and discretion contain subject matter that may be considered inappropriate or offensive, including, without limitation, inappropriate, offensive words, acronyms, symbols, or other content.


> Sawed off Horns (Aggie disparaging remark about UT)

> Rebel flag

> Certain Confucius sayings

> Certain religious sayings, scriptures, or symbols

Adopted by the Board of Directors: December 2007

Naming Policy

Naming of TAHPERD Properties and Programs

1. The David K. Brace Award should remain the only named award and the Lynn and Tillie McCraw First General Session should remain the only named session and/or other event.

2. TAHPERD physical objects can be named to honor significant monetary contributions. Names should not conflict with the TAHPERD mission. The following list is based on the TAHPERD Building Campaign with updates based on current needs.

• $500,000 Building

• $100,000 Foyer

• $50,000 Conference Room

• $25,000 Fence

• $10,000 Building Sign

• $5,000 Benches

• $5,000 Columns of building

• $5,000 Tree Markers

• $1,000 Wall of Honor

• $100 / $200 Bricks

3. Student Scholarships - A significant (minimum $25,000) contribution to the Foundation could result in a student scholarship being named according to the wishes of the donor. Criteria for the scholarships will not change. This policy is retroactive.

2012 Fall Board Meeting

No Campaigning Policy

TAHPERD members running for an office (President-elect, Vice President-elect, Section Chair, or Section Secretary) are not allowed to campaign. This includes all methods of campaigning such as, mailings, buttons, signs, phone calls, or emails from the candidate or other members asking for the support or vote of a TAHPERD member for the purpose of getting elected to a TAHPERD office.

Adopted by the Board of Directors: December 2010

TAHPERD Policy on Nondiscrimination

The Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (TAHPERD) strives to provide an environment that affirms the rights of each individual, fosters diversity, and encourages a respect for the differences among persons. Discrimination or harassment of any kind is inappropriate and TAHPERD is committed to programs of equal opportunity for all members and employees.

Adopted by the Board of Directors: November 2000

Pre-Registration for TAHPERD Events Policy

Pre-registration for any TAHPERD sponsored event will not be processed without one of the following:  cash, check, approved credit card, or payment with a purchase order.

Adopted by the Board of Directors: April  2003

Printed Materials Policy

All printed or electronic materials using TAHPERD’s name must have the Executive Director and/or the Executive Committee’s approval before distribution to the public.

Adopted by the Board of Directors: December 2003

Refunds for TAHPERD Events

Refunds for TAHPERD Convention or any TAHPERD meeting will be made, less a processing fee, if the request is received 14 days prior to the meeting. No refunds will be made on requests later than 14 days prior to the meeting. The Executive Director has the authority to override this policy if the request so warrants such action.

Adopted by the Board of Directors:  December 2003

Speaker Honorarium for TAHPERD Members

TAHPERD will not pay an honorarium, which includes in-kind compensation, for a TAHPERD member to present a program at the Annual Convention and/or the Summer Conference.

Adopted by the Board of Directors:  April 2003

Travel Reimbursement Policy

TAHPERD will reimburse on the following basis:

1. Transportation: 

a. The most economical form of travel, car mileage based on state rate. 

b. Other expenses as itemized in the Travel Expense Report

2. Meals:

a. $9  - Breakfast

b. $11 - Lunch

c. $16 - Dinner

d. Any special meal expenses, such as Awards Dinner, etc., are the individual's responsibility.

3. Housing

a. Members: 

1. Full reimbursement for a shared room (one other person).

2. One half reimbursed for a private room. Individual pays other half.

3. Exception to be made if the private room results from odd number situations.

b. Staff: When traveling for TAHPERD business, staff would receive full reimbursement for a private room.

TAHPERD strives to keep expenses low in providing fair and equitable reimbursements for staff, officers, committee members, volunteer and guest expenses while conducting TAHPERD business.

2004 Spring Board of Directors

Amended: April 2019


Vendor Policy

The intent of TAHPERD’s Vendor Policy is to insure that all TAHPERD members and vendors are treated fairly.

• The exposure and marketing of a business and/or vendor at a TAHPERD event provides a money-making opportunity and requires the purchase of that opportunity.

o If a TAHPERD member benefits from such an opportunity, they are considered a vendor.

o Vendors may not hold elected office or serve as a delegate for the Representative Assembly. If an officer (holds an elected office) of TAHPERD begins a relationship of working for or representing a business/vendor or starts their own business involved in the HPERD disciplines, the officer must resign.

• Educational Program – No Fee

o A TAHPERD member may present an educational program at no charge if the member, member’s school, educational institution, company, or non-profit does not directly benefit financially from the presentation.

1. Vendor Category

a. If a person, school, company, or non-profit association is selling a product or distributing information, they must purchase a booth in the Exhibit Hall. Costs vary depending on size and location.

b. If a person, school, company, or non-profit wants to present a program which results in the production of income, they must purchase a booth and submit a program proposal for an Exhibitor’s Showcase. If the proposal is approved, a fee will be required to present the Exhibitor’s Showcase.

c. Annual Convention

i. A vendor may submit a program proposal for an Exhibitor’s Showcase. If the proposal is approved, a fee will be required to present the Exhibitor’s Showcase.

d. Summer Conference

i. A vendor may submit a program proposal for an Exhibitor’s Showcase. If the proposal is approved, a fee will be required to present the Exhibitor’s Showcase.

ii. A vendor who exhibited at the previous TAHPERD Annual Convention may submit a program proposal for an Exhibitor’s Showcase. If the proposal is approved, no fee will be required to present the Exhibitor’s Showcase.

2. TAHPERD Member Working in a Vendor’s Booth

a. Must pay the conference/convention registration fee

b. Must be a current TAHPERD member

c. May present the vendor’s Exhibitor’s Showcase program with the appropriate fee

d. This member may also present a non-vendor program (no fee) as long as they do not wear any vendor clothing or mention the vendor’s product.

3. Outside the Exhibit Hall

a. No individual, school, company, or non-profit may sell or market themselves or their products outside the Exhibit Hall.

2007 Spring Board Meeting

Amended: December 2011

TAHPERD Whistleblower Policy

The Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (TAHPERD) Code of Ethics and Conduct requires directors, officers and employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As employees and representatives of TAHPERD, we must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

Reporting Responsibility

It is the responsibility of all directors, officers, and employees to comply with the Code and to report violations or suspected violations in accordance with this Whistleblower Policy.


No director, officer or employee, who in good faith, reports a violation of the Code shall suffer harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment consequence. An employee who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment. This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable employees and others to raise serious concerns within the Organization prior to seeking resolution outside the Organization.

Reporting Violations

The Code addresses the TAHPERD’s open door policy and suggests that employees share their questions, concerns, suggestions or complaints with someone who can address them properly. In most cases, an employee’s supervisor is in the best position to address an area of concern. However, if you are not comfortable speaking with your supervisor or you are not satisfied with your supervisor’s response, you are encouraged to speak with someone in the Human Resources Department or anyone in management whom you are comfortable in approaching. Supervisors and managers are required to report suspected violations of the Code of Conduct to the Organization’s Compliance Officer, who has specific and exclusive responsibility to investigate all reported violations. For suspected fraud, or when you are not satisfied or uncomfortable with following the Organization’s open door policy, individuals should contact the Organization’s Compliance Officer directly.

Compliance Officer1

The Organization’s Compliance Officer is responsible for investigating and resolving all reported complaints and allegations concerning violations of the Code and, at her/his discretion, shall advise the Executive Director and/or the audit committee. The Compliance Officer has direct access to the audit committee of the board of directors and is required to report to the audit committee at least annually on compliance activity. The Organization’s Compliance Officer is the chair of the audit committee.

Accounting and Auditing Matters

The audit committee of the board of directors shall address all reported concerns or complaints regarding corporate accounting practices, internal controls, or auditing. The Compliance Officer shall immediately notify the audit committee of any such complaint and work with the committee until the matter is resolved.

Acting in Good Faith

Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation of the Code must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation of the Code. Any allegations that prove not to be substantiated and which prove to have been made maliciously or knowingly to be false will be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.


Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the complainant or may be submitted anonymously. Reports of violations or suspected violations will be kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.

Handling of Reported Violations

The Compliance Officer will notify the sender and acknowledge receipt of the reported violation or suspected violation within five business days. All reports will be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken if warranted by the investigation.

1Note: Compliance officer could be a committee of the board, a designated director, or a third party such as an HR Specialist or the board attorney.

Adopted by the Board of Directors: April 2010

1000 Heritage Center Circle
Round Rock, TX 78664
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