TAHPERD Organizational Structure

            TAHPERD Divisions


This division is comprised of 12 areas that provide organized, quality, professional development opportunities and promote the mission of TAHPERD.  The division was created to represent member voice while growing and developing professionals across the state.

Which Area do I belong to?

TAHPERD Philosophy Statement on Area

The Area Division strives to provide leadership and advocacy for all of its members.

College Division

We are a network of HPERD college and university professionals and students who will be advocates and educators within the field
working through focused scholarly activities in order to disseminate research, enhance professionalism, and the health and well-being of society. 

Student Scholarship Application (link)

College Division Sections: 

College Administrators Section 

Provide sessions, professional development, and network opportunities for college and university professionals serving in administration capacities in HPERD.  
Lifetime Wellness Section 

Provide skills and strategies for achieving physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social wellness across the lifespan. 
Professional Preparation Section 

Provide sessions, professional development, and network opportunities for college and university faculty preparing future HPERD professionals. 
Research Section 

Disseminate research and provide sessions from college and university professionals and students furthering the knowledge within HPERD. 

Sport Management Section 

Provide sessions, professional development, and network opportunities for professionals and students studying sport management. 

Student Section 

Provide sessions, professional development, and network opportunities for college and university students studying in HPERD. 


Benefits to Student Members: 

> Networking with professionals in the field. 

> Student research can be presented at any conference 

> Scholarship Opportunity 

> Proof of initiative to be responsible member professional career investment 

> Depth of knowledge shared through professional presentations that enhance and expand academic work 

> Active participation in workshops centered around Pedagogical practices in the classroom 
Benefits for K-12 Professionals: 

> Economic membership and convention fees 

> Networking with higher education professionals in the field 

> Students allowed to participate in workshops 

> Learn current and relevant best practices regarding professional safety and wellness 

> Leadership opportunities available 
Benefits for University/College Professors: 

> Networking with K-12 professionals in the field. 

> Keeping connection with the profession our students will work with in their futures. 

> Faculty & Students can submit any program session for any professional opportunities 

> Leadership opportunities available 

TAHPERD Philosophy Statement on College

The College Division strives to provide leadership and advocacy for quality HPERD programs in higher education.

Dance Division

The Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance strongly affirms that dance is a comprehensive academic discipline which is essential to the total growth, development, and education of all students K-12 and higher education.

Dance Division Sections:

Performance Section

Produces three performance opportunities for students of TAHPERD members to showcase their works at annual convention. Kaleidoscope is an adjudicated performance and is presented in a more formal setting. Opening Night Performances are presented in the Exhibit Hall and open to all TAHPERD convention attendees to spotlight the Dance Division. Dance On the Spot performances are done in public spaces throughout the convention.

Aesthetics Section

Obtains the adjudicators for Kaleidoscope and provides them with the feedback form to guide their responses to the works.

Pedagogy Section

Presents a Student Choreography Feedback session that is centered around the Liz Lerman Response Process. This allows for student members to present work live or through video and receive feedback from all those attending the session.

Cultural, Social and Wellness

Recruit presenters that are representative of TAHPERD as a whole, that are centered in dance.

Benefits for K-12 Professionals:

> Economic membership and convention fees

> Networking with higher education professionals in the field

> Students allowed to participate in movement-based workshops

> Choreographic presentations: students, guest, faculty

> Learn current and relevant best practices regarding dancers’ safety and wellness

> Leadership opportunities available

Benefits for University/College Professors:

> Networking with K-12 professionals in the field

> Keeping connection with the profession our students will work with in their futures.

> Faculty & Students can submit choreography for 3 performance opportunities

> Leadership opportunities available


Benefits to Student Members:

> Networking with professionals in the field

> Student Choreography Feedback session

> Student works can be presented at any performance opportunity under a Professional Member’s #

> Scholarship Opportunity

> Proof of initiative to be responsible member professional career investment

> Depth of knowledge shared through professional presentations that enhance and expand academic work

> Active participation in workshops centered around Pedagogical practices in the classroom

TAHPERD Philosophy Statement on Dance

Dance education makes significant contributions to the understanding of culture while developing personal creativity and expressiveness through guided movement experiences.

General Division

 The purpose of this division is to provide educational support for quality programming by:

>addressing the unique contributions of each section within the division

>collaborating with sections in other TAHPERD divisions

Assessment & Evaluation Section

The goal of this section is to:

> Provide support for HPERD professionals in creating authentic assessments and measuring outcomes, with the aim of helping them provide quality programming for their constituents. 

>Support TAHPERD’s efforts in advocacy for our profession.

>Provide continuing education for HPERD professionals related to evaluation within the different educator groups represented by TAHPERD membership (e. g., K-12, college). 

Diversity Section

The goal of this section is to:

>Promote diversity and inclusion in all TAHPERD activities

>Provide quality programs for teaching students of diverse backgrounds (e.g., age, culture, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, religion).

>Promote TAHPERD involvement among professionals of diverse backgrounds

Instructional Technology Section

The goal of this section is to:

>Provide quality instructional technology programs to all HPERD members

>Promote the use of different forms of technology to enhance instruction in K-12 settings

>Collaborate and co-sponsor presentations with each TAHPERD division during summer conference and annual convention

 Administrators Section

The goal of this section is:

>Offer quality K-12 administrative presentation and work sessions

>Provide networking opportunities

>Develop leadership skills

>Mentor aspiring new K-12 administrators

 Retired Professionals Section

The goal of this section is:

> Provide networking opportunities

> Promote and continue serving the TAHPERD organization

> Mentor TAHPERD members, leaders, and aspiring new K-12 administrators

TAHPERD Philosophy Statement on General

As stewards of TAHPERD, we collaborate, educate, and elevate the standards of our profession. Guided by integrity and a passion for promoting healthy, active living, we propel the mission of TAHPERD's General Division forward, shaping a future where every Texan embraces a lifestyle of wellness and vitality.

Health Division

Supporting best practices for quality of life promotion through staff development in the following domains to advocate for healthy habits throughout the lifespan:

Optimal Wellness
> Nutrition
> Lifestyle/Physical
> Mental, Social, & Emotional

Health Community
> School Health Advisory Council

Human Respect & Inclusiveness
> Sexuality
> Culture

Health Sections:

Community Health Education

Obtains health information from companies, non-profits, and presenters to provide preventive care information and healthy behaviors to facilitate life changes.  The information provided is to protect and improve the health of community members across the five strands (e.g., physical health & hygiene, mental health & wellness, healthy eating & physical activity, injury & violence prevention & safety, alcohol, tobacco, & other drugs--use, misuse, & physiological effects).

Health Instructional Program

Strategies to enhance interest, engagement, and understanding of health through the implementation of socio-ecological models, lessons, and practices.

Health Professional Education

Provide instructional support for individual programs, inclusive of best practices, content planning, student expectations, and learning outcomes.

Health Promotion

Health promotion enables people to sustain control over their own health by addressing and preventing the root causes of ill health, not solely focusing on treatment and cure.

Benefits to Student Members:

> Networking with professionals in the field.
> Student can present at convention as a student member

> Scholarship opportunities
> Depth of knowledge shared through professional presentations that enhance & expand academic work

> Active participation in workshops centered around pedagogical practices in the classroom

> Award nominations

Benefit for K-12 Professionals:

> Networking with higher education professionals in the field
> Learn current & relevant best practices regarding health, safety & wellness
> Leadership opportunities available
> Award nominations

Benefits for University/College Professors: 

> Networking with K-12 professionals in the field
> Providing the opportunity for connections with university students & guidance for their future profession
> Leadership opportunities available
> Disseminate research & best practices
> Opportunity to learn & connect in the field
> Resume booster
> Presentation opportunities 
> Health advocacy

TAHPERD Philosophy Statement on Health

Developing health literacy is essential for maintaining health and enriching one’s quality of life. Because of its unique and essential contribution to the total education program, the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance strongly recommends health education and instruction be required for grades K-12.

Physical Education Division

Physical Education Sections:

Adapted Physical Education

Provide resources that promote inclusion and meets the unique needs of students with disabilities as defined in IDEA in Physical Education.

 Early Childhood Education Section

Provide developmentally appropriate resources that engage and support instruction for children under the age of six.  This includes social, emotional and cognitive skills, as well as providing fundamental motor skills to assist children in becoming lifelong learners.

 Elementary School Physical Education

Recruit presenters that are representatives of TAHPERD as a whole, that are centered in Elementary School Physical Education.  Provide resources and opportunities to gain hands on experiences on different ideas for activities to implement in their respective instructional settings.  Secure nominations for Elementary School Physical Education Teacher of the Year. 

 Sports Education

Recruit presenters that are representatives of TAHPERD as a whole, that are centered in Sports Education.  Provide resources and opportunities to gain hands on experiences on different ideas for activities to implement in their respective instructional settings. 


Benefits to Student Members:

  • Networking with other students and professionals
  • Scholarship Opportunity
  • Economic membership and convention fees
  • Active participation in workshops centered around Pedagogical practices in the classroom
  • Leadership Opportunities

Benefit for K-12 Professionals:

  • Networking with other professionals and vendors
  • New ideas, Getting re-energized, access to resources
  • T-TESS improvement
  • Legislative, TEKS, and legal updates
  • Leadership opportunities available
  • Continuing education credit

Benefits for University/College:

  • Networking
  • Connection with EC- 12 professionals
  • Advocacy for profession
  • Presentation opportunities
  • Leadership opportunities
  • Resume booster

TAHPERD Philosophy Statement on Physical Education

Participation in physical education can contribute to positive attitudes regarding vigorous activity as essential throughout life to maintain health and to enrich the quality of life.  Because of its unique and essential contribution to the total education program, the Texas Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance strongly recommends quality daily physical education instruction be required for grades K-12.

Recreation Division

Recreation Sections:

Outdoor ED 

To develop and promote an educational environment that allows participants to appreciate the natural world through programs that emphasize stewardship, personal awareness, and experiential learning in nature. Such activities may include but are not limited to outdoor classroom, camping, hiking, orienteering, and backpacking 


To develop and promote learning through lifelong and self-initiated experiences that contain elements of excitement, challenge, real and or perceived risk.  Adventure Education can include a wide variety of activities, due to the different ways that people experience adventure.  Such activities may include but are not limited to rock climbing, challenge courses, and mountain biking.   

Leisure Activities 

To develop and promote learners who embrace and encourage the sustainability of traditional and non traditional free time programs and activities across all generations and skill levels for a lifetime. Such activities may include but are not limited to Tai Chi, Yoga, and bicycling. 

Water Sports and Activities 

To develop and promote comprehensive programs that allow all individuals to participate in lifelong aquatic experiences. Such activities may include but are not limited to snorkeling, water aerobics, paddle sports and scuba diving. 

Benefits to Student Members:

> Networking with professionals in the field. 

> Depth of knowledge shared through professional presentations and participation. 

> Active participation in workshops centered around Pedagogical practices in the classroom. 


Benefits for K-12 Professionals: 

> Networking with higher education professionals in the field 

> Learn current and relevant best practices regarding outdoor education, adventure, leisure, water sports. 

> Leadership opportunities available 


Benefits for University/College Professors: 

> Networking with K-12 professionals in the field. 

> Keeping connection with the profession our students will work with in their futures. 

> Leadership opportunities available 

TAHPERD Philosophy Statement on Recreation

The TAHPERD Recreation division seeks to enhance and encourage the lifelong pursuit of wellness and appreciation of an active lifestyle within the recreational environment.

1000 Heritage Center Circle
Round Rock, TX 78664
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